Historically parenting has focused on raising children who are ‘well behaved’, through the use of rewards and punishments, without understanding the true causes of children’s behaviour.
In their first authored collaboration, Marion Rose and Lael Stone share the compassion and wisdom they’ve acquired from a combined 40 years of experience working with families. Informed by an Aware Parenting lens, they provide a framework and methodology for parents to understand the root causes of the most common parenting challenges including sleep issues, aggression and anxiety.
They offer a truly empathic and modern approach to feelings, supporting parents to welcome children’s tears and rages rather than suppressing them. This trauma-informed approach can then be applied to all areas of parenting, including healing parents’ own childhood hurt and trauma. This book invites parents to change the way in which they perceive, understand and respond to children.
Praise for Raising Resilient and Compassionate Children“I highly recommend
Raising Resilient and Compassionate Children. The authors present all the important information about the Aware Parenting approach in a single, very readable, book. They explain how to offer children empathy, unconditional love, and full acceptance of their emotions. In addition, they clearly describe the underlying reasons for behavior problems and suggest many alternatives to punishments and rewards.“To supplement the theory, the book includes rich examples illustrating typical scenarios which parents might encounter with their children (some of wich are real-life experiences with the authors’ own children). These examples and anecdotes provide parents with practical tools to cope successfully with challenging situations, and they also help to explain children’s behavior.
“I was especially touched by the deep compassion for parents, which shines through on every page. The authors fully understand why it’s sometimes hard for parents to respond patiently and lovingly to their children. In the final section called “reparenting ourselves,” they offer helpful exercises for parents to explore their own childhood and heal from their own early wounds.”
─Aletha Solter, Ph.D., founder of Aware Parenting About the Authors Marion RoseMarion Rose has been studying psychology and consciousness since 1987 and has a PhD on postnatal depression and the mother-infant relationship from Cambridge University. After a decade in academia, including researching infant development as a post-Doctoral Research Fellow and teaching and supervising MA students, as well as working as a psychotherapist, Marion saw that a more powerful way to create change was to work directly with parents in birth and parenting. Marion has been practicing Aware Parenting since 2002 and is the mother of two adult children. She has been an Aware Parenting instructor since 2005 and is a Level Two instructor and the Regional Coordinator for Australia and New Zealand and mentors people to become Aware Parenting instructors. As well as co-hosting The Aware Parenting Podcast with Lael, Marion also co-hosts The Aware Parenting and Natural Learning Podcast with Joss Goulden.
Lael StoneLael Stone is an educator, TEDx speaker, author, mother, and parenting counsellor who has been working with families for over 20 years. She is the co-creator of Woodline Primary School, an innovative new school based on emotional wellbeing and connection. Lael is the co-host of The Aware Parenting Podcast and a sought-after public speaker, creating wellness in families through connection and communication.
Amazon Customer –
Bit thrilled to get this in the mail! Parents, grandparents, uncles, aunties, parents to be… get yourself a copy!I have been following Marion Rose PhD, for a bunch of years now – as my go-to person for insight into understanding my kids behaviours and how to respond compassionately and effectively. She weaves a beautiful mix of Aware Parenting, NVC (non-violent communication) and her own take on things from her many years experience in the field and as a parent.I resonate deeply with her approach, perspective and how she explains things so clearly, with lots of stories and examples.More recently I have been listening to her and Lael Stone’s podcast “The Aware Parenting Podcast” and every episode has lightbulbs and practical take-aways that I feel excited to try in my parenting journey.Super stoked to see they have co-authored this fabo book and I literally bought it the moment I saw it was out.I truly reckon if this book touches many many lives that the world will be a better, kinder place.Mine arrived in 2 days. Get on it!
Anna Haberfield –
Lael Stone and Marion Rose have hit one out of the park with this fantastic parenting book. I love how they use specific examples in the second part and break them down. I also loved the reparenting section!!! I recommend this book (and their podcast) to anyone interested in learning more about parenting from two of the most compassionate experts in the field!
Joss Goulden, Aware Parenting with Joss –
This is such a powerful and life-changing book. Lael and Marion share the concepts of Aware Parenting with such clarity and compassion. They give detailed examples of how to apply this approach in your family and offer so much support and guidance on how to heal our own childhood hurts, so we are able to raise our children with awareness, connection and love. This book has the power to create a more compassionate and connected world for us all. I highly recommend it.
Georgie –
This beautifully written bookis packed full of evidence based knowledge, wisdom and practical advice to guide our children towards resilience.Full of relatable anecdotes and stories regarding children of all ages, Lael and Marion bring to life everyday parenting challenges and how they can be navigated in compassionate, clear and achievable ways.The authors provideempowering and tangible tools to help parents and carers move towards healing and connection in both their children and themselves. A beautiful invitation to create a future they desire.Raising Resilient and Compassionate Children focuses on creating a more compassionate world. It is the voice for our children. I believe it should be read by all parents, carers and professionals working with babies and children. I will be sharing this far and wide.
John –
I love this book so much! Its so well written and full of amazing real life anecdotes. This book with be on my bedside table so that I can refer to it whenever I need some parenting guidance. I highly recommend buying it – Felicity J